
Right of cancellation:

You can cancel your contractual declaration in writing (e.g. by letter or email) within 14 days without giving reasons or – if the goods are delivered to you before this period expires – by returning the goods. The period begins after receipt of this instruction in text form, but not before receipt of the goods by the recipient (in the case of recurring deliveries of similar goods not before receipt of the first partial delivery). Prompt dispatch of the cancellation or the goods is sufficient to comply with the cancellation period.

The cancellation is to be addressed to:
Karl-Marx-Haus Museum
Brückenstraße 5
54290 Trier, Germany

Email: karl-marx-haus@fes.de

The right of cancellation does not apply to:

  1. Delivery of audio or video recordings (e.g. CDs or DVDs) or software, if the seal on the delivered data carriers has been broken by the consumer;
  2. Delivery of newspapers, magazines and periodicals, unless the consumer made his/her contractual declaration by telephone;
  3. Delivery of goods that can spoil quickly or whose expiry date would be exceeded before the goods are returned.


Consequences of cancellation:

In the event of an effective and timely cancellation, the services received by both parties must be returned. By cancelling, you are no longer bound by the contract. We will refund any purchase price already paid. In return, you are obliged to return the goods. If you are unable to return the goods received in whole or in part or only in a deteriorated condition, e.g. because the goods have already been used by you and show signs of wear, we reserve the right to deduct the reduction in value of the goods if you are responsible for the deterioration, loss or impossibility of return. This does not apply when goods are handed over and the deterioration of the goods is exclusively due to examining them – as would have been possible in a shop, for example. Furthermore, you can avoid the obligation to pay compensation for any deterioration caused by the intended use of the item by not using the item as if it were your property and by refraining from doing anything that could affect its value.

Goods that can be sent by parcel post are to be returned at our risk. You must bear the costs of returning the goods if the delivered goods correspond to those ordered and their purchase price does not exceed EUR 40.00 or, if the price of the goods is higher, if you have not yet paid the consideration or a contractually agreed instalment at the time of cancellation. Otherwise the return is free of charge for you. Items that cannot be sent by parcel post will be collected from you. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. This period begins for you when you send your declaration of cancellation or the goods, and for us when we receive them. When refunding you, we will use the same payment method that you used for the original payment, unless otherwise expressly agreed with you in writing. Under no circumstances will you be charged any fees for this refund.